Friday, August 20, 2010

Television viewing

What do I watch on television exactly?Does it in any way help me to develop as a person?Does it help me evolve new thoughts and ideals?
Well,these are some questions that keep plaguing every television watcher (hopefully)at some point of time.These questions did flash on my mind.And so here I am to analyse what I watch.
I mostly watch soaps on the television.But I make it a point that these are not the typical saas-bahu genre of serials.Neither are these shows too hi-fi too.But these soaps are sort of family dramas set in different backdrops.But most of these are so fictitious.Seems that the protagonists never have to face any unhappiness.However much the producers try and incorporate some kind of problem,ultimately they will create a happy ending.In one serial that I watch,the protagonist had brain tumor (malignant,they went on and on about this for more than a month) and suddenly one fine day she comes in and announces that she is completely cured.I guess the doctors must be awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering such a panacea for cancer!!
However there's one thing that I really watch on tv and that is Arnab Goswami's The Newshour.It helps me stay updated with the national and international news.Also it gives me immense pleasure to watch dignified (?) people shouting at the top of their voices to make themselves heard.I thoroughly enjoy it.

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